ALVITA HERBAL-BURDOCK ROOT TEA-- Ea History:Burdock (Arctium lappa) is a native to Europe and Asia, and if allowed, can grow in almost any uncultivated space. It was used by India's traditional Ayurvedics and by the early Chinese for its very valuable health properties. In addition to its healthful effects, the stalks form a delicate vegetable, similar in flavor to asparagus when boiled, and a pleasant salad when eaten raw with vinegar. Burdock is greatly cherished in the Orient, especially in Japan where it is known as "Gobo" and the root is used in everyday cooking. The name is a combinition of bur, from its tenacious burrs, and dock, Old English referring to its large leaves. And, as its name suggests, it is a plant which bears seeds in big round bristly cones that stick to clothing and animal fur. Many modern-day herbalists continue to use Burdock for its health benefits.
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