ALVITA HERBAL-ALFALFA LEAF TEA -- Ea History:One of nature's oldest legumes, Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) is known to be cultivated for over 2000 years. However, unlike most legumes, where only the seed is consumed, the entire Alfalfa plant (leaves, sprouts and seeds) is eaten by man. The Arabs, centuries ago, used Alfalfa as feed for their horses and claimed it made the animals swift and strong. When they tried the herb themselves, they became so convinced of its benefits to their health and strength that they named the grass "Al-Fac-Facah", meaning "Father of All Foods". The Spanish later changed the to Alfalfa plant burrow deep into the earth to reach minerals that are inaccessible to most other plants. Alfalfa naturally contains a variety of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
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